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How To Give Effective Employee Feedback

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Know How to Offer Constructive Feedback

A great manager knows how to coach their team and provide effective employee feedback on a regular basis. Constructive feedback offers employees solutions and strategies in the areas they need to improve. In fact, a whopping 68% of employees who receive accurate and consistent feedback feel fulfilled in their jobs, according to Zippia.


When given properly, feedback can encourage employees to grow and become more engaged in their role, which leads to greater job satisfaction and better communication between parties. At the end of the day, a productive organization is one filled with people who feel passionate about their jobs and supported by their managers.


Knowing how to offer constructive feedback is a learned skill that will benefit your entire organization. In this blog, we’ll give you tips on making your employee feedback more effective. 

Give Feedback Early and Often 

Infrequent feedback sessions may increase employees' stress when asked to have one-on-one discussions. In addition, waiting for performance reviews can leave employees to repeat mistakes. Over time, small mistakes can lead to significant problems. Instead, informal, weekly feedback can quickly course-correct and drive employee performance.  A more casual work culture can be propagated by including feedback in the everyday work routine. 


Does the Delivery Method of Feedback Matter?

Since “The Great Remote-Work Migration of 2020,” different modalities of relaying employee feedback have become necessary. According to a Western Michigan University study, the delivery method does not significantly increase or decrease performance when objective feedback is given. There is, however, a significant effect on performance when comparing people who receive objective feedback to those who receive no feedback. 


Although employee performance may be unaffected by the modality of feedback delivery, it can be challenging to convey tone or emotion in text messages and emails. For this reason, consider providing constructive feedback in person, via phone, or via video conversation. On the other hand, positive feedback via email, phone calls, video chat, and in-person are appropriate.

Listen and Be Empathetic

The intention of feedback is to help each team member reach their full potential, which will create a culture of continuous development. This is done by managers who listen, ask questions, are empathetic, and encourage dialogue. 


Providing feedback with an accusatory tone can make employees feel as though you aren’t on their side and may shut down a conversation. Managers who offer empathy and an openness to hearing what their team member says about the given situation is far more effective. Listening to others may even help you learn about items to change and areas for improvement.

The Benefits of Properly Executed Feedback

Employees are hungry for feedback from their leaders, managers, and even their peers. They want to gain insights that advance their professional abilities and potential. Properly executed feedback corrects problems, improves productivity, and strengthens relationships between employees and their managers. Leaders should offer direct, solution-based feedback that celebrates their employees’ strengths. 


At Cura HR we know that treating employee engagement as a continual effort rather than a one-time event is essential to an engaged workforce. We help businesses cultivate productive employee experiences across stages in the employee lifecycle. 


We’d love to hear about your business so we can understand how to identify and implement the opportunities that will level up your team’s talent!

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